How to Make a Resignation Letter from a Company?

What is Resignation Letter?

Submitting a letter of resignation from work is usually a condition requested by the company. By giving this letter, you can resign officially and honorably. Your resignation letter can also be a notification for the company about your availability for a job. With a resignation letter, your status as a worker will also be clearer in the future. Therefore, it is important to know how to make a resignation letter from the company. The making of this letter is also not arbitrary.

How to Create a Resignation Letter from a Job?

  • Step #1: Set a Resignation Date

It is very important to inform the company about the withdrawal date. You can reread your work contract. If there are certain conditions regarding the time of resignation, then you can follow these provisions.

For example, some companies have a “one month notice” requirement. This means that you must notify your resignation one month in advance. This allows the company to find a replacement for you when you leave. Make sure not to give a sudden date of resignation. The company may refuse your resignation because it is not ready to find a replacement.

  • Step #2: Give Clear Reasons

In your resignation letter, you must explain clear reasons that make you have to resign. Give good reasons without criticizing or demeaning the company. Surely you have a good reason to quit your job. These reasons are like continuing your studies, moving to a better place, or family reasons.

  • Step #3: Use Formal Language

An equally important way to make a resignation letter from the company is the use of language. In writing your resignation letter, you must use standard, formal language. This will make the letter look more formal and professional. Also write using sentences that are effective, straightforward, and easy to understand. This allows the company to know clearly that you are going to resign.

  • Step #4: Complete the Content of Resignation Letter

It is also important to know what to include in your resignation letter. There are a number of important points that must be made. These points include:

  1. The date the letter was made
  2. The purpose of the letter (such as the boss or HRD)
  3. Greetings
  4. Resignation date
  5. Full name
  6. Position
  7. Employment number
  8. Thanks and apologies
  9. Closing
  10. Signature and light name.

What are the Benefits of Submitting a Resignation Letter?

  • More Professional and Respectable

Your resignation letter will allow you to leave the company in a professional and respectful manner. It’s different if you leave the company without a resignation letter, your reputation can be bad in the eyes of the company.

  • The Company has the Opportunity to Find a Replacement

By giving your resignation letter, the company has the time and opportunity to find a replacement before you actually leave. The company will not be overwhelmed in finding a replacement to fill your position.

  • Determine whether or Not Job Status is Clear

By providing a resignation letter, the company also has clear data on its employees or employees. In addition, the status of a person in the company also becomes clear.

  • End Work Formally

Submitting a resignation letter is the final process of resigning officially. After that, you can resign according to the proposed time.